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Keeping Warm at Night

A darkened room with a radiator below the window

While the local area enjoys fairly mild winters, at night, the temperatures can plummet into the 30s. During colder parts of the year, it can be tricky to stay warm at night without cranking up the thermostat and dramatically increasing the energy bill. Here are some simple, cost-effective furnace repairs in Cupertino, CA to help improve efficiency and keep the home warmer at night.

1. Seal Any Air Leaks in the Home

The first item of efficiency is keeping outdoor air out and indoor air in. This means sealing up all the possible leaks around the house. The weakest areas are often the fenestrations, aka the windows and doors. Make sure the areas around all the frames have proper caulk and weather-stripping.

2. Use a Humidifier

Winter air is usually a bit dry because running the furnace will strip the air of moisture. In fact, this can cause indoor air to feel a bit colder. It is a viscous cycle with no end. To balance this, homeowners should consider running a humidifier to add moisture back into the air. This can make it feel a bit warmer and reduce the risk of occupants developing scratchy throats and irritated noses from sleeping with all that dry air.

3. Change the Furnace Filter

Does it feel like the furnace isn’t keeping the whole house warm? Or maybe the furnace is working overtime? It could be because of a clogged filter. It is imperative to check filters at least once a month and make sure to swap them out before they get too clogged. This will foster optimal airflow so the system can work efficiently.

4. Clear Vents, Registers, and Radiators

If the filter isn’t the problem, it could be obstructed vents and registers that are causing an unequal distribution of heat. Once a week, homeowners should double-check all of the vents and registers around the house to make sure they are open and unobstructed.

5. Adjust the Time on the Thermostat

If it doesn’t happen automatically, homeowners might need to adjust the time on their thermostats for daylight savings. This might be a simple explanation for why the heater doesn’t kick on when homeowners expect it to.

6. Check for Leaky Ducts

It can be so frustrating when specific bedrooms don’t get warm or take much longer to reach desired temperatures. This could indicate the furnace has an airflow problem. It might be time to check for duct leaks and hire a professional to seal them up.

A person adjusting a radiator

7. Get the Furnace Cleaned

It is important to have the heating system cleaned and inspected annually. That way, a professional technician can make sure the system will safely and adequately heat the home. This routine maintenance not only ensures performance but also improves efficiency and prolongs the life of the heating system.

If you haven’t had an annual furnace repair in Cupertino, CA then now is the time to call us. Getting this maintenance completed in the fall will ensure the heating system works when you need it the most. And everyone in the home can sleep more comfortably at night.

The post Keeping Warm at Night appeared first on Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning.
