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Is it Too Late for Annual Furnace Repair?

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Most heating and cooling experts suggest you get annual furnace repair in the fall. After all, it is logical to get your system checked before you need it most. However, if you have made it this far through winter without an annual checkup and without any issues, you may think you are in the clear. But it’s not too late. You can still benefit from getting furnace repair in Cupertino, CA. One thing matters more than timing—consistency.

Why is Routine Furnace Maintenance Important?

Not many homeowners see regular furnace maintenance is worthwhile. If the furnace is working, why would you need to have it serviced? What they often forget is while the furnace may appear to be working fine, it may not be working as efficiently as possible, and that can cost money and cause unnecessary wear on the heating system.

Benefits of Routine Service on Your Heating System

These are a few of the main benefits of annual furnace repair.

Improve Home Comfort

During the winter months, you want to be sure your furnace will provide sufficient heat. With regular maintenance, the technician will perform a thorough cleaning of the system. This will ensure proper airflow, improve indoor air quality, and provide the most efficient performance. As a result, the home will be comfortable all winter long.

Increase Energy Savings

One of the biggest advantages of getting routine furnace repair is energy savings. During an annual tune-up, the technician can make adjustments and necessary repairs so the system can run as it is designed to. Without this annual maintenance, your system could lose up to 10% of its efficiency every year.


Prolong the Life of Your System

Another added benefit of getting routine service is prolonging the life of the heating system. When well cared for, a furnace can last for 15 years or more. Without it, the heating system will start accumulating problems. It also means you will make fewer emergency calls to the HVAC company for repairs. Because almost 85% of all heating repairs are preventable with routine maintenance.

Keep Warranty Valid

The warranty on your heating system is meant to protect homeowners in case of factory fault. It can come in handy, especially when 2% of furnaces leave the factory with a fault. But it is often contingent on routine service. And the last thing you want is to have to pay for a new furnace when your product should have been under warranty, but it was void because you haven’t had professional service each year.

Professional maintenance is easy and relatively affordable compared to the cost of not doing it. And even if winter is almost over, you can still get in your annual repair. The only time it is too late for routine furnace repair in Cupertino, CA is if your heating system has completely broken down. To call for an annual tune-up and service contact Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning.

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