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Prepare your Home for a Lengthy Winter Vacation

Living room

When leaving on a long vacation it is imperative to prepare your home for your time away. Necessary precautions like unplugging electronics and turning down the furnace in Cupertino, CA will do more than just save you money. These steps will help protect your home and preserve it while you are away. Here is a checklist of things you don’t want to forget: 

Put Lights on a Timer

Leaving a home vacant for days on end is a huge security concern. One simple trick many homeowners use is putting lights on a timer in the evenings so it appears the house is occupied. The best suggestion is to put timers for lights at different times and in different rooms. With the cost at less than $10 a timer, it is an affordable way to deter intruders. 

Stop Mail and Packages

The last thing you need is mail, newspapers, and packages piling up on your doorstep. It is a clear indicator to passersby that no one is around. So make sure you have a trusted neighbor collect your mail while you are away, or contact the post office and have them hold it for you. 

Turn off The Water Supply

According to Murphy’s Law, if you are going to have a leaky line it will happen while you are away on vacation. And if a major leak goes unnoticed for days on end, it would be disastrous. Closing off the main supply line will shut the water off to the house and could spare you the thousands of gallons of water flooding your home. 

Unplug Unnecessary Electronics

Toasters, computers, televisions all of these draw power and could create a small risk of fire while you are away. So take a moment and walk each room unplugging all the electronics that will not be in use while you are away. 

Turn Down the Water Heater

If you have a more modern appliance your water heater probably has a vacation mode you can use while you are away. This will help save money while you are away. 

Turn Down the Thermostat, but Not Off

There is no reason to have your furnace going full bore while you are away. We recommend you set the temperature approximately 10 degrees lower than what it is normally set at. If you keep it roughly between 50 and 60 degrees you will get more savings. But you don’t want to go so low you open yourself up to pipes freezing. And when setting your thermostat you want to make sure you choose the proper override setting, otherwise, your system will resume the regular schedule. A vacation hold setting will keep that temperature until you physically cancel the hold. 

If you notice any strange sounds or odd smells coming from your furnace in Cupertino, CA you want to call for HVAC maintenance before you go on vacation. Contact Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning. You can call (669) 219-8957 to set an appointment with a technician or stop by 1045 N 10th St., San Jose, CA 95112. 

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