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How to Avoid Expensive Air Conditioning Breakdowns


Summer is supposed to be the season of rest and relaxation. But often, the rising temperatures of San Jose, CA can leave you sweating. Your HVAC system has to work overtime to keep up in extreme heat. This is why it is so important to take care of your air conditioning if you want a comfortable summer and hope to avoid breakdowns during the hottest months of the year. Follow these smart steps, and keep your home cool all season long.

  1. Check Your Air Filters 
    Once a month, pull out your air filters and check them for buildup. Even if there is just a thin layer of dirt, you still want to replace your filter during peak usage. Otherwise, the dust and dirt can cause unnecessary wear and clog up your system. With clean filters, you get maximum efficiency and reduce your risk of expensive air conditioning repairs.
  2. Clean the Outside Unit 
    Your outdoor unit is exposed to the elements. This includes dust, dirt, leaves, and pests. You want to keep the area around your outdoor unit as clean as possible. Don’t let outdoor furniture, toys, or plants lean against it. Not only will this cause an obstruction and your system will have to work harder, it can also be a safety risk. So if you notice debris or dirt around your outside unit, clear it away right away. You also want to have a professional come and clean the inside at least once a year.
  3. Do Not Close Your Air Vents 
    It is still a common misconception that closing your air vents will save you money. What a lot of people fail to realize is that your HVAC system is designed to maintain a specific balance of airflow for the size and layout of your home. Shutting the vents can throw off that balance and increase pressure in your duct system. The result is often higher utility bills and unnecessary strain on your system. So keep those vents open!
  4. Schedule Regular Maintenance 
    While there are a few DIY tasks you can perform for HVAC maintenance, these are complex systems that take a lot of experience and training to service. You should call for a heating or air conditioning tune up at least once a year. This will give technicians the chance to look things over, make any minor adjustments and repairs that are needed, and keep your system working as efficiently as possible. This is one of the best way you can avoid those expensive breakdowns in the middle of the peak heating or cooling season.

To set up a maintenance routine, call Pelle Heating & Air Conditioning service in San Jose, CA at (669) 219-8957. We offer fair pricing on our honest and quality services. We also take great pride in our work and will get the job done right with professionalism, enthusiasm, and thoroughness. Stop by 1045 N 10th St San Jose, CA 95112 to talk with one of our professionals today.

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