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Why is Regular Heating Repair Important?

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Your HVAC unit provides both comfort and security. While San Jose, CA has a moderate climate, there are still times of the year when you do not want to be caught without your heating. That season is upon us, and routine heating repair is so important. Not sure you want to put up the money for maintenance? Do you really need it? Yes, you do. And here are some big reasons why you want to commit to scheduled heating repairs in San Jose.

Keep your System Running Smoothly

You wouldn’t want to drive your car without getting regular oil changes and brake service. Your heating unit is the same. If you take good care of your HVAC systems, they will run better. With a bi-annual or annual heating repair program, you will stay comfortable and enjoy hassle-free operation on hot and cold days.

Avoid Costly Repairs

Most homeowners do not realize that regular service and preventative maintenance will save money in the long run. Regular heating repairs can add anywhere from three to five more years of use to your heating system. Also, note that a neglect of scheduled maintenance can void the manufacturer warranty. Instead, avoid costly repairs and expensive replacements by getting regular preventative maintenance.

Save Money with Efficient Heating

Also like your car, an HVAC system that is running right will save you in energy costs. One thing that can save you money is regular lubrication. This cuts down on resistance and the amount of energy to run the system. It also prevents early wear and tear. But don’t try to service it yourself. A professional will know a safe lubricant to use, and where to apply it. New filters also keep things running more efficiently.

Protect Your Family

Routine heating repairs can also keep you and your loved ones safe. Carbon Monoxide is a silent killer and is a gas meant to be contained inside your unit. However, if the system leaks, it can contaminate the air. You don’t want that. Also, faulty connections in the electrical system can short out. This might cause power outages or fires. A professional technician can check for leaks and poor connections to help keep you safe.

When Should I Schedule Heating Repairs?

You want your HVAC system up and running before it gets cold. Do not put off system checks and heating repairs. On the first cold snap of the year, our company is swamped with calls, and you will likely have to wait to have your unit repaired. Instead, plan ahead. Schedule routine maintenance one month ahead of the cold season so we can get to you quickly.

Coming up is the time of year when homeowners are turning on heaters for the first time. If you haven’t already, call Pelle Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. for routine heating repair and maintenance. Reach us at (669) 219-8957 or visit us at 3751 Charter Park Court #D, San Jose, CA 95136.

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