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Things to Check before Calling for Furnace Repair

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The last thing you need is a broken furnace on a cold day in San Jose, CA. Good news is you might not need a professional to get your heating system up and running. Approximately 25% of calls to professional furnace repairmen stem from simple, often overlooked items many homeowners can check on their own. So before your call for furnace repair, take a moment and double check these items.

  1. Change the Filter

The number one reason furnaces stop working is overheating caused by a dirty filter. In fact, about 90% of all furnace problems stem from a dirty filter. Filters gather large dust and dirt particles that can damage your furnace. They also collect molds, pollen, and dust depending on the quality you choose. How often should you change it? Well, it depends on the environment in your home as well as the make and model of your furnace and type of filter you choose. However, for the most part, it is good to change your disposable filters every 30 to 40 days. Pleated allergy filters can last for up to three months and some washable electrostatic filters can last up to 12 months. So change your filter and reset your furnace.

  1. Check the Door Cover

Did you know that if the door cover isn’t properly secured your furnace will not start? Often the door is not secured correctly after a filter change. So double check to make sure it is on right.

  1. Open More Registers

You should not close more than 20% of the heat registers in your home. If you do it can cause high resistance in your furnace. This unnecessary heat and pressure build up can cause lead to several problems and shut down your heating system. If you have ten rooms, only close two registers.

  1. Check the Power Switch

Another easy check is making sure your furnace has the power switched on. In some cases, it has simply been turned off by mistake. So check the breaker for your furnace. It should be clearly labeled as part of your electrical panel. Then make sure it is in the “on” position. Next, locate the furnace switch. It is usually at the bottom of the basement stairs or in the furnace room. It is often at eye level or higher, but can also be in the ceiling. Make sure that switch is also turned on. Note that the furnace is on, turn the selector to “heat” and adjust the temperature on your thermostat by five degrees to see if that jump starts your furnace.

  1. Double Check the Gas

If you have a gas furnace you want to be sure the pilot light is lit and the gas supply is on. If it is out there should be instructions printed on the unit to help you get it re-lit. If you are uncomfortable completing the task yourself, do not hesitate to call us for assistance. Also, if you detect a gas smell, something like rotten eggs, it could mean you have a dangerous gas leak. Get out of the house and call the gas company or fire department to report the leak. Do not turn any lights on or off, and do not re-enter your home until cleared.

  1. Reset the Furnace

First, check to make sure it has a reset button, as not all gas units have one. Then, if the motor has been running, turn it off and wait for 30 minutes. Once the motor has cooled down, turn off the power to the furnace and press the reset button. If your furnace does not kick on wait for 30 more minutes and try again. If it still doesn’t work wait 30 minutes and try once more. After three tries if the furnace still isn’t working then it is time to call a repairman.

At Pelle Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., we are ready to help with you with your San Jose, CA furnace repairs. If you have performed the above checks and your furnace still isn’t working call us at (669) 219-8957 or visit 3751 Charter Park Court #D, San Jose, CA 95136.

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